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Yellow Pepper 23


 What is the YP23: 


The YP23 is a special forces section belonging to OWLM who devotes his time to the creation and development of military techniques to be used by OWLM Organization

Unlike the BlackOwl the YellowPepper23 are a brute force intervention which support the OWLM. As such, it is crucial to have a strong ability to adapt and disguise. 

The YP23 still is a mixture of carclub and motoclub.



 YP23 activity: 


When this crew is not cooperating with BlackOwl, the Defense Zone is the major activity to be performed. 


When there is activity in free mode (eg bounty, wanted car, etc.) and there is no information that an element of OWLM is willing to create contact with another player in the same session, YP23 act as hunters and claim the profits for themselves to share it with the Organization members in the session. 


The YellowPepper23 do not seek contracts with other players. This is the function of BlackOwl M. But if someone wants to do it, the mercenaries are free to accept or not.


But unlike the OWLM, this section does not provide protection or escort services. Only Hunter and Hitman services are provided (eg hunt a bounty for other players, recover the wanted car from other players to the one who made contact with the mercenary, etc). 



 Requirements to be a YP23: 


To Request an invitation to YellowPepper23 is necessary to be part of BlackOwl Mercenaries too. And at least made 2 (Two) contratcs by the OWLM and post it in our WebPage.


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